MoneyWeek promotes Illumina

Illumina: shedding light on genetics

Illumina, the genome sequencing specialist, is a leader in a thriving market. Long-term investors should buy now, says Mike Tubbs.

MoneyWeek promotes Illumina. Genome Media.

The science of who we are and how we got here has advanced in leaps and bounds in recent years. Take genome sequencing, the process of identifying the order of genetic ‘letters’ in an organism’s DNA, or genetic code; ‘reading’ the genetic structure, essentially.

The whole human genome consists of three billion of these letters. It cost about $3bn and took 13 years for the very first decoding of a human genome to be completed in 2003. But today high-tech machines supplied by Illumina (Nasdaq: ILMN) do the same job for less than $1,000 in mere days.