CRISPR gene drive vs CRISPR allelic drive

CRISP-based genome modifying technologies are offer a power and precision people only dreamed of not that long ago. CRISPR gene drives use guide RNAs (gDNAs) to insert gene-drive sequences, and the CRISPR allele drives do the same while also modifying undesired variants at a second position. Gene and allele drives are likely to be central to how humans modify the living environment in the future, in addition to being the starting point for endless unchecked-tech sci-fi nightmare scenarios . The following article provides a clear and helpful explanation of these technologies and some of their applications.

CRISPR-based 'allelic drive' allows genetic editing with selective precision and broad implications

Difference between gene drive and allelic drive explained

Scientists developed a new version of a gene drive that allows the spread of specific, favorable genetic variants, also known as 'alleles,' throughout a population. The new 'allelic drive' is equipped with a guide RNA that directs CRISPR to cut undesired variants of a gene and replace it with a preferred version. Using a word processing analogy, CRISPR-based gene drives allow scientists to edit sentences of genetic information, while the new allelic drive offers letter-by-letter editing.