Getting Genome Annotation Right: A Refreshing Criticism

Next-generation genome annotation: we still struggle to get it right

by Steven L. Salzberg, Genome Biology, 2019


While the genome sequencing revolution has led to the sequencing and assembly of many thousands of new genomes, genome annotation still uses very nearly the same technology that we have used for the past two decades. The sheer number of genomes necessitates the use of fully automated procedures for annotation, but errors in annotation are just as prevalent as they were in the past, if not more so. How are we to solve this growing problem?

New Genome Assembler Makes Progress on Fundamental Problem

Assembly of long, error-prone reads using repeat graphs

Mikhail Kolmogorov, Jeffrey Yuan, Yu Lin & Pavel A. Pevzner

Nature Biotechnology (Research Article)

New Genome Assembler Makes Progress on Fundamental Problem

Abstract—Accurate genome assembly is hampered by repetitive regions. Although long single molecule sequencing reads are better able to resolve genomic repeats than short-read data, most long-read assembly algorithms do not provide the repeat characterization necessary for producing optimal assemblies. Here, we present Flye, a long-read assembly algorithm that generates arbitrary paths in an unknown repeat graph, called disjointigs, and constructs an accurate repeat graph from these error-riddled disjointigs. We benchmark Flye against five state-of-the-art assemblers and show that it generates better or comparable assemblies, while being an order of magnitude faster. Flye nearly doubled the contiguity of the human genome assembly (as measured by the NGA50 assembly quality metric) compared with existing assemblers