NGS-heavy investigation of Neuropsychiatric Disease

Illumina, University of Copenhagen to Study Genetic Evolution of Neuropsychiatric Disease

NEW YORK (GenomeWeb) – Illumina said today that it is working with the Lundbeck Foundation GeoGenetics Centre at the University of Copenhagen to study how infectious pathogens influenced the evolutionary history of certain mental and neurological disorders.

An international, multi-disciplinary team including specialists in ancient genomics, neurogenetics, population genetics, archaeology, linguistics, and brain health will create two subsets of genomics data: one consisting of 5,000 ancient human genomes, and another consisting of ancient pathogen DNA associated with human diseases. Both datasets will be made publicly available.

The research team will use Illumina's NovaSeq 6000 system with S4 flow cells to sequence up to 20 billion ancient DNA fragments every two days, Illumina said.