Single-cell sequencing reveals important cancer mutation signatures (original article)

Characterizing Mutational Signatures in Human Cancer Cell Lines Reveals Episodic APOBEC Mutagenesis

Single-cell sequencing reveals important cancer mutation signatures. Genome Media.

Multiple signatures of somatic mutations have been identified in cancer genomes. Exome sequences of 1,001 human cancer cell lines and 577 xenografts revealed most common mutational signatures, indicating past activity of the underlying processes, usually in appropriate cancer types. To investigate ongoing patterns of mutational-signature generation, cell lines were cultured for extended periods and subsequently DNA sequenced. Signatures of discontinued exposures, including tobacco smoke and ultraviolet light, were not generated in vitro. Signatures of normal and defective DNA repair and replication continued to be generated at roughly stable mutation rates. Signatures of APOBEC cytidine deaminase DNA-editing exhibited substantial fluctuations in mutation rate over time with episodic bursts of mutations. The initiating factors for the bursts are unclear, although retrotransposon mobilization may contribute. The examined cell lines constitute a resource of live experimental models of mutational processes, which potentially retain patterns of activity and regulation operative in primary human cancers.


Mutation bursts associated with cancer -- a very good summary

Mutation bursts associated with cancer. Genome Media.

Researchers have created a huge resource for investigating the biological mechanisms that cause cancer. The scientists from the Wellcome Sanger Institute and their collaborators identified which patterns of DNA damage—mutational fingerprints that represent the origins of cancer—were present in over a thousand human cancer cell lines. They also revealed that a major mutation pattern found in human cancer, previously linked to a virus-fighting immune response, occurred in bursts in cancer cell lines with long periods of silence in between, but the cause of these mutational bursts remains mysterious.


Original article here …